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Unpacking this human experience so we can live wide awake.
Here we get into the minds of some of the most conscious humans around the world to understand how our actions affect our mental well-being, happiness and the planet.
Because self and planetary healing is really an inside-out job.
Hosted by Steph L Dickson

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20227 min read
#026 Alessa Sollberger: on impact investing, blockchain mavericks & conflict leading to freedom
How can we really understand impact in the investment and policy space? Crypto and blockchain: where has it been, and where is it going?...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20226 min read
#024 Hanli Hoefer: on self-love, therapy hangovers, adjusting failure & periods
Why is self-love so important? Why should we do the internal work? And how can we better understand our hormones and emotions? Big...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20226 min read
#023 Suraya Sam: on the alchemy of plant medicine, painless birth, and sound healing
Is it possible to have a painless birth? What is plant-based medicine, how does it help people? And what is ego death? Big questions that...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20228 min read
#022 Kamea Chayne: of Green Dreamer on healthy skepticism & healing ourselves to heal the planet
How can activism transcend beyond consumerism? Why do we need to be wary of philanthrocapitalism? And how can we self-heal through...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20228 min read
#021 Rebecca Campbell: on micromanaging the universe & embracing a soul-led life
How do we embrace a soul-led life? How can we stop micromanaging the universe? And why is shadow work so important to our growth? Big...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20228 min read
#020 Leyla Acaroglu: the Dr of change on designing out of problems & reconnecting to nature
How can we make friends with change? Why do we see nature as separate from us? How can design help us clean up the mess that we’ve made...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20228 min read
#019 Aja Barber: on racism, colonialism, consumerism & the fashion industry
How can we stop funnelling money into billionaires’ pockets? What is the link between racism, colonialism, and our current fashion...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20229 min read
#018 Isaias Hernandez: on being a queer brown vegan activist, the scale of climate emotions
Have you suffered from eco-anxiety or grief? How can we be imperfect environmentalists? And how can we navigate the interconnectedness of...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 202211 min read
#017 Aditi Mayer: on balancing hope & urgency through a lens of intersectionality & decolonisation
Why do we need to decolonise the fashion industry? How do we move beyond voting with our dollar? How do we hold space for both joy and...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20228 min read
#016 Ingmar Rentzhog: on saving the planet while making money & peace in the climate war
Can we make money while saving the planet? How important is social media for the climate movement? What challenges stand in the way of...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20228 min read
#016 Barney Swan: on facing shadows, mental resilience and keeping the fire burning
Why should we confront our shadows? How can we break out of the mental torture chambers we create in our heads? And where can we focus...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20227 min read
#014 Erin Chen: on normalising sexual wellness, female orgasms, vitamin h(ug)
Why is often so weird to talk about sex and still such a taboo topic? What does conscious intimacy look like? How to have conversations...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 202210 min read
#013 Christina Dean: of Redress on cleaning up the fashion industry, greenwashing, & having faith
How dirty is the fashion industry really? Why is it not sustainable yet and can it ever be? And why does crisis keep us awake? Big...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20227 min read
#012 Andy Ridley: on mobilising the masses to save our reefs & lessons from founding Earth Hour
How can we truly mobilise the masses into practical action? What is happening to our reefs around the world, are they already dead? Why...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20224 min read
#011 Doug Woodring & Andrea Richey: Dried Ocean - a wet place but a dead place & Shark conservation
After decades of overuse, extraction, and the belief that the ocean is too big to fail, today we are facing a Dried Ocean. Doug Woodring,...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20229 min read
#010 Dune Ives on Lonely Whale, Tom Ford, Collaboration and The Plastic Innovation Prize
How do we address the system and not just the symptom? How can we actually affect behavioural change? Why are collaborations so hard and...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 20227 min read
#009 Malcolm Wood & Matt Reid: on plastic conscious hospitality & filming for The Last Glaciers
How can the hospitality industry transform and tackle its environmental problems? Why are climate change scientists not taken seriously?...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 22, 202210 min read
#008 Jayden Klinac: on Regeneration, Waste as a Resource & Surrender as a Muscle
Is there really such a thing as the plastic mafia? How can waste truly be a resource? What is the difference between sustainability and...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 7, 20225 min read
#002 - Daniel Flynn, Founder of Thankyou: On Eradicating Poverty, Creating Change & Finding Hope
We caught up with the inspirational Daniel Flynn for the Live Wide Awake podcast. Here’s a sneaky insight into what keeps him motivated,...

Stephanie Dickson
Nov 7, 20228 min read
#003 Keshia Hannam: on Changing Your Life Algorithms & Environmental Racism
What’s the difference between environmental racism, intersectionality and climate justice? How can we navigate our bias and privilege?...
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